I am currently working with a fourth grade class at an elementary school in lower Mishawaka Indiana. The school consists of a wide variety of children from different socio-economic backgrounds. 70 percent of the children are eligible for the free or reduced lunch program. The classroom that I have been placed in has a wide variety of learners. One child has extreme HDHD issues and his parents do not regularly give him his medicine. The skills that these children have vary greatly. Some are high achieving while others are way below. The difference in students really shows during our math time. Some of the kids cannot multiple or divide and struggle with simple addition and subtraction. These issues are the biggest struggle for the teacher and me in the classroom.
I like the way my teacher has her room set up. She has things on the walls that relate to what the students are learning throughout the year. The classroom rules and expectations are understood by the students and the teacher does a good job at enforcing them. The schedule is the one thing that I do not like and that is out of my teacher’s control. The kids go to their Specials every day at 8:45 which is 45 minutes after their day starts. This forces the teacher to split the math lesson into two because they do a part of it before specials and a part after. I think this makes is difficult for the students to really take time to ask questions and understand the concept that is being taught that day. Our language arts time is right after math and goes until lunch. When we come back from lunch on Tuesdays we have Doctor Popcorn which teaches children about food habits. Next we have science or a daily wrap up time. The way the day is set up, we only have 1 hour after lunch of school time. This is a challenge because the long mornings can make it hard for students to focus during the second half of language arts.
I enjoy working with the kids in small groups during math and language arts. I have been able to work with the lower level groups and try to help the understand that basic concepts of the day. I enjoy working with all the kids in the class. I taught a math lesson and the biggest challenge was meeting the needs of all the students in the class. I used the highest group of students to assist other students in the class after they finished their workbook page. This provided me the opportunity to work with 5 students who were not grasping the concepts. It is important to use group work to work individually with students.
I really enjoy my classroom and the teacher. I am looking forward to learning a lot this semester!!
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