Thursday, September 22, 2011

Letter to my Fourth Grade Teacher

September 21, 2011
Dear Mr. Hendricks,
As you know I am currently enrolled in a transition to teaching program for Elementary Education. As I get further involved in learning different teaching techniques and responsibility I constantly an reminded of how you handled my fourth grade class. One of the things that made you different from most of my teachers is how you managed our classroom. You always had things organized which made our classroom run smoothly. It always seemed that everyone had a job to do and these jobs helped the classroom operate in an orderly way. These jobs kept us busy and also gave us rewards with mini-economy money. The mini-economy money was a great lesson to teach us at that age. We would have to pay fines for poor actions and we would receive rewards for our positive behavior.
                It is funny how growing up I always thought my teachers were the smarted people in the world. I now know this is not true, but the reason I thought this about you is because you were always prepared for whatever it was we were doing. If someone had a question you had a way of helping us work through it to find an answer together. I remember our lessons being put into units that helped us relate things to different things we were doing throughout the day. This strategy helped to give us a different way of looking at a topic. Now that I am in school I know that you must have spent a lot of time successfully planning out your lessons. You used all kinds of different strategies to engage all the students in activities. These strategies kept us busy and it allowed everyone to have a way to be involved.
                I want to thank you for all the hard work you did and continue to do. You have successfully found new and creative ways to engage students in the classroom activities. It is very important to be prepared and be a positive role model for the children in your class. I remember so much about your class because of the way you taught it and the things I learned. Thank you for being a teacher that is prepared and works hard to actively engage your students in classroom activities. You have impacted me more than you know and I hope that I can one day be as affective in the classroom as you are.
                                                Your former student,
                                                Joshua Schultz

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